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Aunt Sarah Knapp's Collection, Part 2

Knapp and Noble relations

These images are from a collection of loose photographs and memorabilia, kept in a cardboard box by my grandfather, Joseph Cahalan, MD.  I


Given the family relations pictured here, there can be little doubt that these images were part of the collection of Aunt Sarah Knapp, a dedicated genealogist and the sister of Della Knapp Cahalan, wife of John C. Cahalan, Sr. I'm not sure, however, if they came to me with my grandfather's (Joseph Cahalan, Sarah Knapp's nephew's) photographs, or in a separate batch when Anne Marie Cahalan Sullivan, Sarah's neice, passed away. One thing is certain, however: all images here were part of a group of photos that were collected and sometimes annotated by Sarah Knapp, and passed down through her niece and nephew.

That said, this group carries with it great charm and interest, and the identifiable figures help us sketch in two families--the Knapps and the Nobles--related to the Cahalans.

Numbered in the order in which they were scanned--a second number indicates the sequence of images in the group, while a indicates the face, or obverse, of the photo, and b indicates its reverse--the collection includes several photographs in which figures have been identified; that information is included in the captions to the images. The originals were first grouped and scanned on February 10th and 17th, 2007, and are filed under those dates.  They have been re-scanned at a higher definition for this upload. 

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